The Defenders Vol. 1, Issue No. 18 – December 1974 (Marvel Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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TITLE: The Defenders Vol. 1, Issue No. 18

YEAR: December 1974

COMPANY: Marvel Comics

Writer: Len Wein

Illustrators: Sal Buscema & Dan Green

Lettering: Dave Hunt

Color: Glynis Wein

Editor: Roy Thomas

The Wrecking Crew.

I have many memories of many battles of various Marvel superheroes going against this team of villains.

And while some may think by looks, they are more of a joke team for filler to include a superpower villain team that will get the arses kicked with each appearance, there are some writers who will make the Wrecking Crew (which consists of the Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver and Thunderball) the most toughest villain team in the Marvel Universe.

And this group first appeared in issue #17 of “The Defenders”, as you notice I am reviewing #18 because I don’t own issue #17.

But to make a long story short, Dirk Garthwaite (The Wrecker) was mistakenly given powers by Karnilla the Norn Queen who mistaken Dirk as Loki.  So, he has three other prisoners grip a weapon and when a lightning bolt strikes them, all three of them were granted powers and are known as the Wrecking Crew.

And of course, this is Asgardian mystical powers and you know these individuals are strong.

For “The Defenders” issue #18, Namor the Sub-Mariner, The Incredible Hulk and Dr. Strange +Luke Cage  take on the Wrecking Crew. Should be EZPZ right?

Well, you would think with the combined power of The Defenders would be enough to defeat the Wrecking Crew but let’s just say the Wrecking Crew does more than well, when it comes to taking on the heroes.

And despite the team having one of the ugliest outfits for a powerful villain in the Marvel Universe, I think it’s what makes this group quite fascinating to read.  Over the many decades of appearances, I usually feel that when you come across a comic book featuring a fight against The Wrecking Crew, you are in for a good read!

Awesome battles and all out destruction it seems.  Especially when the heroes find out, the Wrecking Crew is actually darn tough.  But of course, the bad guys will eventually get beaten somehow.

This issue was just awesome and it’s definitely worth reading!


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