Green Arrow issue #5 – June 1988 (DC Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight of the Day]

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The issue was no doubt ahead of its time.  A story about crimes against homosexual men, gang initiations and those dragged into the gang in order to survive, even if they had promising potential.  This was a darn good issue to read and again, another quality Mike Grell issue of “Green Arrow”!


TITLE: Green Arrow issue #5

YEAR: June 1988


Writer: Mike Grell

Artists: Ed Hannigan with Dick Giordano with Frank McLaughlin

Inks: Dick Giordano

Colorist: Julia Lacquement

Letterer: John Costanza

Editor: Mike Gold

An issue of Mile Grell’s “Green Arrow” that was ahead of its time.

In this issue, two gay men are seen walking the streets, being stared at by many people and the couple coming to Dinah Lance’s flowershop, as the couple are celebrating their seventh year anniversary.

But unfortunately, there anniversary would be their last as someone is seen following them and both men are beaten severely and one dying.

But finding out who is responsible is difficult as street crime has increased and street gangs from Los Angeles have moved to the city and are recruiting new gang members, and juveniles are hired to act as runners and dealers, because juveniles can do the crime without doing much time.

To make matters worse, Dinah’s college bound worker, Colin, shows up to the shop beaten and bloodied and how he was dragged into the gang and was initiated.  There was no fighting back if you want to survive and now the gang life has claimed him.

Meanwhile, Oliver goes to disguise himself in hopes to find out who is responsible for the beating of the two gay men.

The issue was no doubt ahead of its time.  A story about crimes against homosexual men, gang initiations and those dragged into the gang in order to survive, even if they had promising potential.

This was a darn good issue to read and again, another quality Mike Grell issue of “Green Arrow”!


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