Leave it to Chance – Issue #3 – October 1996 (Homage Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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TITLE: Leave it to Chance – Issue #3

YEAR: October 1996

COMPANY: Homeage Comics

Written by James Robinson & Paul Smith

Colors: Jeromy Cox

Lettering/Typesetter: Amie Grenier

Editor: Jonathan Peterson

For issue 3 of James Robinson and Paul Smith’s “Leave it to Chance”, we begin to see the corruption in the city, corruption with the police force and eventually Chance overhears a conversation involving Mr. Bell and Abbott and their plan for revenge against Lucas Falconer.

And when Chance tells her police friend that Mr. Bell is wanting to exact revenge for the death of his brother, Miles Belloc, they tell Chance that it is too dangerous for her to be following them around.

Meanwhile, sewer workers are wanting to drown the underground tunnels to drown the goblins.

Can Chase save them in time?

For the most part, we get to see Chance taking risks with her investigations behind her father’s back.  And now that she is investigating a group who want revenge against her father, Chance doesn’t know how much danger she’s getting herself in.

The issue is no doubt setting up something big, as the issue spotlights the corruption throughout the city.

For the most part, a good issue but I’m looking forward to seeing where this buildup will lead to.  I guess we’ll find out in issue #4!


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