Freedom Fighters issue #1 – April 1976 (Marvel Comics ) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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The first issue of “Freedom Fighters” was entertaining, no doubt a taste of bronze nostalgia, but I enjoyed the series and characters, despite Uncle Sam being a superhero with superstrength, which I had a laugh back then and even now.  But I really did enjoy this series and the group overall!  Definitely worth reading!

TITLE: Freedom Fighters issue #1

YEAR: April 1976


SCRIPT:  Martin Pasko

LAYOUTS: Ric Estrada


PLOT/EDITING: Gerry Conway

When it comes to the “Golden Age of Comic Books”, Quality Comics (1937-1956) was well-known for titles such as “Blackhawk”, “G.I. Combat”, “Plastic Man”, “The Spirit” and more.

Unfortunately, with the popularity of television and paperback books, public interest in comic books started to wane and many of their characters and title trademarks were sold to National Periodical Publications (which would become DC Comics).

Back in October-December 1973, “Justice League of America” issues #107-108 featured a Justice League of America/Justice Society of America team-up and introduced the Freedom Fighters which consists of Uncle Sam, Black Condor, The Human Bomb, Doll Man, Phantom Lady and the Ray.

These heroes are from Earth-X, where unlike the Earth we know, this alternate universe unfortunately suffered with the Nazi’s winning the war and the Freedom Fighters taking them on.

After what transpired in the “Justice League of America” issues, wanting a challenge, the group transported to our Earth and not long after their arrival, are in the middle of a major threat to the city.

The first issue begins with he group arriving to Earth and not long after arriving, they see a blast in the city skyline.

As the group investigates, they are attacked by a terrorist group with powerful super villains, one enormous guy known as King Samson with super strength and another known as Silver Ghost who can turn people to silver.

While the Freedom Fighters won the first round, the group get a broken down mansion to make as their new headquarters in NYC thanks to District Attorney David Pearson

Phantom Girl starts to learn that her powers now allows her to become a phantom on Earth-1 and the group becomes America’s latest superhero team.  All good?

It was until they receive their Freedom Fighter distress call!

What happens when Doll Man answers the call first?  Will he wait for the others or try to take the evil foes on his lonesome?

Needless to say, the first issue of “Freedom Fighters” was entertaining, no doubt a taste of bronze nostalgia, but I enjoyed the series and characters, despite Uncle Sam being a superhero with superstrength, which I had a laugh back then and even now.  But I really did enjoy this series and the group overall!  Definitely worth reading!


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