Marvel Team-Up Issue #14 – October 1973 (Marvel Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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TITLE: Marvel Team-Up Issue #14

YEAR: October 1973

COMPANY: Marvel Comics

Writer: Len Wein

Artist: Gil Kane

Inbker: W. Howard

Letterer: John Costanza

Colorist: Glynis Wein

Editor: Roy Thomas

During the ’70s, one thing you would often see is Spider-Man fighting Namor, the Sub-Mariner.

It’s interesting to see how Marvel would put them in sometimes equal footing, knowing full well that Namor could probably put some major hurt on Spider-Man but for this issue alone, Spider-Man does a great job in holding his own.

The comic book begins with Spider-Man observing a mysterious person in a trenchcoat and up to something.  When he finds out that it’s Namor, Spider-Man tries to fight and prevent Namor from stopping some sort of metal spacecraft.

It turns out that Namor was desperately trying to pursue the spacecraft because inside it was his nemesis, Tiger Shark, the villain known for killing his father.  Spider-Man regrets for interfering with Namor and decides to assist him in going after Tiger Shark who is working with another villanous scientist named Dr.  Dorcas.

While an action-packed issue, it’s interesting how these two villains have changed during time.  Tiger Shark now looks like a shark, whole Dorcas looks like some sadistic killer with Jason Vorhees vibes.

For the most part, this is a solid issue, as you get Spider-Man vs. Namor but then you get the two teaming up to fight Tiger Shark and Dr. Dorcas.

What I loved about this issue was that it was 20 cents and it was a comic book with a lot of pages with 34 pages, with standard being 24 pages. When I come across quality Marvel or DC Comics from the past with so many pages and sold for so cheap, man what a fun time to be a comic book reader. Getting more bang for the buck. Well, 20 cents gave you a lot back then as a comic book reader.

Anyway, an awesome comic book and one of Len Wein’s earlier work before he would go on to create Swamp Thing and the new Uncanny X-Men, yes, this guy is responsible for co-creating Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm and Colossus. You also had the awesome artwork of Gil Kane (the guy who co-created Iron Fist and Adam Warlock and modern day versions of Green Lantern and The Atom) and also one of the colorist back then, Len Wein’s wife at the time, Glynis.

A solid team behind the “Marvel Team-Up” books early in its run.


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