The Incredible Hulk Vol. 2, Issue 324 (October 1984) (Marvel Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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TITLE: The Incredible Hulk Vol. 1, Issue 324

YEAR: October 1984

COMPANY: Marvel Comics

Story & Layouts: Al Milgrom

Finishes: Dennis Janke

Letterer: Rick Parker

Colorists: George Roussos

Editor: Bob Harras

Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter

Growing up and reading Marvel Comics, I can easily say one of my favorite storytellers, editors and pencillers was Al Milgrom.

Known as the editor of Marvel Fanfrare and his work on “Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man”, “The West Coast Avengers” and “X-Factor”, I always looked forward to his work.

I also loved the work he did with “The Incredible Hulk” back in the early to mid-80s.

But for issue #324, what makes this issue quite significant was that it brought back grey Hulk.

Grey Hulk was the character that was first featured in the first issue but it also featured the internal fight between Bruce Banner and The Hulk.

But most of all, a recap of what led to Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk courtesy of Rick Jones.

For those who don’t remember how Bruce Banner became the Hulk, Bruce was a scientist in charge of the Gamme Project, but when he saw a teenager (Rick Jones) taking a dare and breaking into a military site which was to be used as a gamma blast test site, Bruce saved Rick but took the impact of the blast.

Meanwhile, Hulk’s friends, Betty, Rick Jones, Doc Sampson and SHIELD try to find a way to get Bruce Banner out of the Hulk. And for the most part, you see Bruce and the Hulk trying to have control.

But of course, up to no good, the disgraced former military veteran and recently ousted General Thadeus Ross can’t help but be obsessed by destroying the Hulk. But of course, Rick Jones is keen to Ross being up to no good.

Needless to say, this was possibly one of the wildest experiments to find ways of Bruce being in control and in the process, we see the return of the grey Hulk.

But what I found interesting is that when Marvel had the grey Hulk come back, who knew that this would be a long run for grey Hulk. I think it lasted for several years until green Hulk made its return.

But for the most part, while grey Hulk has been featured on the comic book since issue #1, issue #324 is the return of the grey Hulk and he would be the main Hulk for numerous years (1984-1990) and for over 50 issues.

So, for those who want to read the storylines featuring the return of the grey Hulk since issue #1, start with issue #324! Definitely recommended!


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