Brigade vol. 1, Issue 2 (October 1992) (Image Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight of the Day]

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TITLE: Brigade Vol. 1, Issue 2

YEAR: October 1992

COMPANY: Image Comics

Creator/Co-Plotter: Rob Liefeld

Penciller/Co-Plotter: Marat Mychaels

Script: Hank Kanalz, Eric Stephenson

Inks: Paul Scott, Norm Rapmund

Colors Design: Brian Murray

Lettering: Kurt Hathaway

Editor: Eric Stephenson

I notice my tastes in stories have changed when I got older.

Maybe when I was a young guy, I liked all action and reading comics with scantily drawn heroines, which were quite common in the ’90s.

And while I’m much older today, I read issue #2 of “Brigade” and think, is “Brigade” the comic book equivalent to Michael Bay action films.

In this issue, an alien comes from out of nowhere.  The alien known as Genocide comes out and wants to challenge Earth’s superhero team, Brigade.

Obviously, Genocide wants to take on the most powerful beings on Earth, but why Brigade?  Why not Youngblood?  Why not Supreme?  I’m sure there were many other characters he could have fought, but instead, he chose Brigade.

Suffice to say, the storyline is primarily action-driven, as Brigade takes on Genocide.

And next thing you know, the group and Genocide are beamed aboard another alien ship.  And to be continue.

We then get an Extra Image storyline by Eric Stephenson featuring Infiniti who looks like Jean Grey (Jim Lee early ’90s years) in terms of costume and overall look..

I just wished there was much more substance to the storyline…but that was the sign of the times.  I purchased more “Brigade” issues, so that goes to show that the action won me over when I was much younger.  As did Image Comics during its inception, for their audacious beginnings.



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