Ultra Monthly Issue #1 -June 1993 (Ultraverse)

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TITLE: Ultra Monthly Issue #1 – The Premiere Ultrahuman News Magazine

YEAR: June 1993

COMPANY: Ultraverse

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Paul O’Connor, Eileen Eldred, Roland Mann, Chris Ulm



Ultraverse was no doubt on the forefront of coming up with creative ideas to promote their comic book line and their characters.  From CD-Romix (comic books with voice acting on CD), Direct-to-VHS movies with Firearm and more.

In June 1993, a free “Ultraverse Monthly” was released and it’s a magazine dedicated on covering ultrahuman action.

It was no doubt an interesting way of promoting a character through the eyes of journalists.

From a readers/letters column, rumor section, newswatch, gossip, Remebering the Squad, Thom Hunter’s “Devil take the Hindmost” column, Peter Hill’s Ultra Focus column, a money column section and for the most part, a magazine covering what’s going on in Ultra events.

A total of six were made and eventually they would start charging .50 an issue.  But while it was several pages long, it was a fascinating read if you were an Ultraverse fan!


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