Batman issue #363 – September 1983 (DC National Comics) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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TITLE: Batman issue #363

YEAR: September 1983


Created by Bob Kane

Writer: Doug Moench

Penciler: Don Newton

Inker: Alfredo Alcala

Letterer: Ben Oda

Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Editor: Len Wein

Back in the ’80s, the character Natalia Knight a.k.a. Nocturna was one of the more exciting characters to appear in the “Batman” series.

While I have briefly read what Nocturna has been depicted later on in the DC Universe, especially in the New 52, the ’80s Nocturna was a version that I liked.  Similar to Catwoman, can be seen as an antagonist but yet close to Batman, especially Jason Todd.

With Batman issue #363, it was the first appearance of the white-skinned femme fatale and her man-slave, Anton.  You also have Vicki Vale who is upset with Bruce Wayne because Bruce didn’t personally invite her to his party but just sent her an invitation and you have Comissioner Gordon upset of his new boss, who is a slob. And as for Jason Todd, he has issues of Bruce Wayne not letting him into his life and is depressed about it.

As Bruce hosts his party, Bruce encounters Natasha Knight and when Vicki sees the two together, she quickly is jealous.

As the two are enjoying the party, a thief breaks in and demands everyone to dump their jewelry but to Bruce’s surprise, Natasha is not scared by the thief.

Later that evening, Batman does his detective work and discovers the thief is Natasha and we learn of how she was poor and homeless and taken in by the wealthy Charles Knight and then Natasha blows a powder towards Batman’s face knocking him out.

When he awakens, Natasha and Anton the thief are gone, but he is found by Jason Todd who followed the thief to their hideout.  But Batman/Bruce is upset Jason is there and tells him to go home, leaving Jason in tears.

As Batman goes after the thief, Jason has had enough and runs away from home.

Overall, a solid storyline which explores the origin of Nocturna but also the fractured relationship between Batman and Jason Todd and gives one context to why Jason, later on in the future as Robin, is always determined of trying to prove himself to Batman/Bruce Wayne.

But a really cool issue!


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