Grendel Issue #4 – January 1987 (COMICO The Comic Company) [Comic Book Spotlight Review of the Day]

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Matt Wagner’s “Grendel” is a comic book series that gets better and better and I look forward to reading issue #5!

TITLE: Grendel Issue #4

DATE: January 1986

COMPANY: COMICO The Comic Company

Created & Written by Matt Wagner

Pencilled: Arnold & Jacob Pander

Inked by Jay Geldhof

Lettered by Steve Haynie

Colored by Tom Vincent

Edited by Diana Schutz

Christine is going through a lot, first her son is killed, then she is beaten badly by Tujiro and now she made her first kill.  Wanting to get her second against Tujiro, instead she sees him unzipping a bag and taking out the boy and drinking his blood after biting him in the neck.  She saw him become a monster and now she knows he is a vampire.

Christine manages to get a bug in the vehicle of Tujiro’s driver and learns through his communications with Tujiro and now they want to give Brian, the stage hand over to his client.

Knowing that Brian is a target, Christine will do all she can to protect him from Tujiro.

To protect him, Christine goes as far as to have sex with him, so she can stay at his place for the night.

And as police are trying to look for Christine all over San Francisco, Christine wants to do all she can to protect him from Tujiro, but as she is doing surveillance, she is unaware that Tujiro is right behind her!

So far a solid storyline!  Loving every issue so far!  But I’m curious to see how far Christine will go as Grendel and if she can stop Tujiro the vampire.  It’s obvious he has strength and other abilities but it’s going to be interesting to see where the storyline goes and if she can actually protect Brian from being savagely killed.

Overall, Matt Wagner’s “Grendel” is a comic book series that gets better and better and I look forward to reading issue #5!


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